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  2. Shining Blog Pro
  3. Frontpage Section
  4. Banner Section

Banner Section

Enable Banner Section: Check to enable section on frontpage otherwise uncheck to disable.
Banner Style: This setting allows the user to change the banner style. 3 banner styles are available.
Number of posts to display: Set the number of posts to display ( Min:  ).
Autoplay Enable/Disable: This setting allows the user to enable/disable Slider autoplay.
Slider Arrow Enable/Disable: This setting allows the user to enable/disable the Slider arrow.
Content type: Choose Page / Post / Category where you want to render the content from.
Select Page: This setting allows users to select a page to get the featured image and content of that page.
Select Posts: This setting allows users to select posts to get the featured images and content of that post.
Select Category: This setting allows users to select a category to get the featured image and content of that category.
Enable Banner Color: Check to enable the color options on banner section otherwise uncheck to disable.

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