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  2. Press News Pro
  3. Theme Options
  4. Header Options

Header Options

  • Enable Topbar : This option is for enabling or disabling the Topbar area.
  • Hide Topbar Date and Day: This option is for hiding dates and days from the topbar.
  • Hide Topbar Menu: This option is for hide topbar secondary menu.
  • Hide Topbar Social Menu: This option is for hiding the topbar social menu.
  • Hide Menu Search Icon: This option hides the header menu search icon.
  • Make Header Sticky: This option is for the header to be sticky. If header sticky is enabled, the header is fixed when the user scrolls.
  • Advertisement Image: This option allows users to set advertisement images.
  • Advertisement Url: This option allows users to advertise image URLs (Link).
  • Hide Header Left Widget on Responsive Device: This setting allows the user to hide the top header left widget area on responsive devices.
  • Hide Header Right Widget on Responsive Device: This setting allows the user to hide the right header right widget area on responsive devices.
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