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  2. Blooming Blog Pro
  3. Frontpage Section
  4. Banner Section

Banner Section

Enable Banner Section: Check to enable the section on frontpage otherwise uncheck to disable.

*Note: You can set the header image through the Header Image setting. To set the header image, go to Customizer > Header Image. There you can set the header image.

  • Title: This setting allows the user to set the banner section’s title.
  • Banner Description: This setting allows the user to set the banner section’s description.
  • Enable Subscription/Search Form: This setting allows the user to enable or disable the search or subscription form. After enabling the for you will see the following settings:
    • Select Form Type: This setting allows the user to display either a subscription form or a search form according to their preference.
      • Button Label: If you select the subscription form to display in the banner section, you can add a label to the subscription form button using this setting.
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