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  2. Nostalgic Blog Pro
  3. Header Setup
  4. Site Title, Logo, Tagline and Site Icon

Site Title, Logo, Tagline and Site Icon

1. From the Customize section, go to Site Identity.
2. From Site Identity, you will be able to add various options related to site identity like:

  • Logo: It changes the main logo of the site.
  • Site Title: It changes the main site title of the site.
  • Tagline: It changes the tagline (i.e.: Description) of the site.Just below the site title.
  • Display Site Title and Tagline: This enables/disables the site title and tagline from the site
  • Site Identity Extra Options
    • Hide All: If you don’t want to display anything in the header then click this option.
    • Show All: If you want to display the logo title tagline in the header then click this option.
    • Title Only: If you want to display only the title in the header then click this option.
    • Tagline Only: If you want to display only the tagline in the header then click this option.
    • Logo + Title: If you want to display the logo and title in the header then click this option.
    • Logo + Tagline: If you want to display the logo and tagline in the header then click this option.
  • Site Icon: The Site Icon is used as a browser and app icon for your site. Icon must be square and at least 512px wide and tall.
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